White Self-Hate: Master-Stroke Of The Enemy
by Commander George Lincoln Rockwell
Last week I penetrated into the "South" for the first time in more than five years of speaking at colleges. I spoke at Wake Forest University in Winston-Salem, North Carolina. It was a shocking - and unpleasant-experience!
Since last September, when I spoke at Harvard, I have been having such incredible success speaking all across the country, everywhere EXCEPT the South, that I was beginning to believe ALL America's college youth was waking up, especially to the nigger problem.I had never penetrated the really "deep" South, for what reasons I am still not sure. I have had few invitations from South of Virginia - and all of them have been cancelled.
Around the rest of the country, this year has been one of immense gratification to me, speaking from Harvard and Brown in New England, across the nation through Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, Iowa, North Dakota, Minnesota, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington, California - just about everywhere EXCEPT the "deep South." The reaction to my speeches, as those who have heard the record or tapes of some of them will know, has been FANTASTIC! The violence has almost stopped, even the boos and the hisses have died down, and the audience reactions have been SO favorable that even the J$% papers in Minneapolis, for instance, reported I got "thunderous applause"!!!
Not only that, but the INDIVIDUAL reactions have been unbelievable!
Most remarkable of all is the tremendous change which has occurred since last summer in the reactions of these college kids to NEGROES.
For years, I was plagued by the ignorance of Northerners on the subject of niggers - and the same kind of ignorance by many Southerners about J$ws. They have plenty of niggers in the South, so the Southerners know about them. But they have few Je$s, and the ones they have down South are usually "tame" Je$s, utterly unlike the wild and hateful Hebrews swarming in the streets of the North and West.
At the same time, the J$w-wise "Yankees" in North and West never got CLOSE to any "coloreds", and knew almost nothing about them. Until the riots began.
Back in those days, whenever I went to jail in the North, the cops would privately say, "You're doing a great job on the damned Je$s, but why do you go after the 'colored'?" - as they used to call them.
Down South, cops would say "God bless you for the way you're fighting the niggers, but what have you got against the Je$s?"
This year, all across the Northern part of America, and all over the West and South West, I found the people are growing rapidly more alert not only to the Je$ish problem, which they always sensed, but are thoroughly aware - and worried - about the "coloreds", because, of course, the "coloreds" have finally let the Northerners SEE what they are like, at first hand, in the dozens of riots and the endless horror of nigger crime and terrorism in the city streets.
The success of my speeches in colleges and universities across most of America has been gratifying - and spectacular - fantastic! If even the liberal KIDS in these colleges are waking up, you can IMAGINE the way the working masses are ready to FIGHT!
While I have been speaking sometimes as often as six and seven times per week all over the continent, I have naturally presumed that when I finally DID get a chance to speak in the real SOUTH - it would be the best of all - a real triumph!
So I approached Wake Forest in North Carolina with my hopes up - and my guard down!
When I got there, things seemed SUPER relaxed. Usually, the campus where I am to speak is in a state just short of explosion - with threats, counter-threats, headlines, etc., etc. There are vast crowds outside the hall, hours before the address, and the hall is always packed to the point where the fire marshall often takes a hand.
But at Wake Forest, there was no crowd outside, when I came to the hall. And when I got inside, although they said it was the biggest crowd yet, there were several hundred empty seats!
All of this got me "off balance" sufficiently so that I failed to follow my usual routine of insisting on only WRITTEN questions (to prevent emotional outbursts and speeches from the floor). But I figured that an audience of SOUTHERN kids would be wild with enthusiasm when I defended the great White Race and the history and traditions of their own grandparents.
What I ran into was something NEW!
In speeches everywhere else, there are always overtones of threat and violence, heckling and possibilities of mobs, etc.
All seemed quiet when I began to speak at Wake Forest. But the minute I opened my mouth, the place busted wide open! American flags started to wave - HELD BY COONS! A Je$ got up with a black armband and began marching up and down the aisles. Some of the kids acted like a bunch of kooks, whooping and cheering this disorder.
An old Je$ess rose and began screaming at me in unintelligible "English". She got a huge round of cheers and applause!
In spite of all this, I managed to take control of the crowd as I have been forced to learn to do, and speak for about forty-five minutes. But I never did succeed in getting a train of thought started with the audience. Always, they managed to bust up any orderly presentation, and I had to keep using shouts and "tricks" to beat the heckling.
There was no applause at the end of my speech, although a few kids tried feebly, only to be squelched by their neighbors.
I made the mistake of taking live questions from the audience (being somewhat angered and frustrated by now, and hoping to beat these hellraisers). That did it!
One huge Negro walked up to the front of the hall just before my platform, held up his hands and signalled for silence. He got it!
The hall was hushed, FOR THE FIRST TIME, and I knew from experience what came next.
Had that Negro done nothing more than say "abracadabra", he would have been drowned in enthusiasm. He did a masterful job - whether planned or not, I don't know.
I had pointed out in my speech that ghetto Negroes were often in good physical shape because they were forced to do menial physical work such as garbage men, etc. This was not to insult Negroes. (Actually, it makes a lot of my own people mad when I point this out). But it is part of the reason the blacks think they can whip us because they say we've gotten soft. The big black used my statement to make appear I had advocated making nothing but garbage men out of all Negroes.
"Maybe all we're good for is garbage men", he said, "but if being garbage men is all the contribution America will let us make, then we'll make it, we'll BE garbage men!"
The audience rose, first the rabid ones, then more and more, until finally the hall was a sea of hysterical cheering, as the Negro (who I later learned was the local football hero) led the rest of the football team in a "walk-out".
None DARED fail to rise for this mad scene, for fear of being branded a "hater", as the arc-lights and TV cameras swept the audience.
I did my best to plug on, and succeeded to some degree. I even managed to get a good round of applause at the end, myself.
But I was bitterly disappointed to see all this take place in my FIRST speech in part of the "deep South"!
I had been winning rabid, liberal "Yankees" over with a "Southern" speech in the North all year. Now here I was being swamped by a wave of wild, hysterical "nigger-loving" - by SOUTHERNERS! Or so I thought!
I spent more than ten more hours at banquets and seminars, cocktail parties, and the other usual accompaniments to these speeches, and then, after I finally got to bed at 2 a.m., I laid awake for two more hours before I reached any kind of conclusion as to what it was all about.
At the banquet, the speaker was none other than Dick Gregory. I had to sit up at the head table only two seats away from this coon comedian-turned-revolutionist. I wouldn't have put up with it, except I really wanted to hear this "cat" (as he calls everybody) and see how he would affect these kids in North Carolina! He did a pretty smooth job on these kids, and I learned a lot.
First, he told a series of "supper-club" jokes to "warm up" the kids - which he did.
Then he launched into his "You-gotta-give-us-the-country, Baby" approach of the black scum now risen to glory among us as a result of Yiddi$h money, Yiddi$h leadership and Yiddi$h press-agentry for these miserable Africans.
I could hardly believe what I saw there. I watched the racially fine faces of the young White boys and girls who were intently watching the ape-like face of Gregory. They were hypnotized!
He actually went so far as to BOAST to them that the only way they could PROVE they were not full of "racism" and "hate" was to give our White women to the Negroes, thus showing that we recognize that there's no difference except color.
He went so far as to use the fact of motherhood, and went into a physical description of the process of birth, and how you couldn't stop delivery of a baby by crossing a woman's legs, etc.,etc., ad nauseam - all to "prove" that delivery of our women to the blacks was "inevitable" - and standing in the way was like crossing the woman's legs, and trying to stop the birth of what he said was "Nature's insistence on equality"!!!
He got a STANDING OVATION - just as the earlier black ball player had in the audience!
Once more, I watched the fanatic few rise up applauding wildly the moment he was done speaking, then the guilty looks on the faces of more and more kids who rose up, until all (except me) were standing to give honor to a man who had just announced he was going to utterly DESTROY them - women and children and our whole RACE!
I had HEARD about this sort of thing happening - just last month as I was speaking at one college in Wisconsin, Stokely Carmichael was speaking only a few miles away at another. He got up and hollered, "BLACK POWER!", and openly announced his intention of leading a "burn-baby-burn" ATTACK on White people, hollering "Get Whitey!" - and got the same "standing ovation", as I had just seen twice in one day, and in the "deep South"!! WHY?
In all of history, no people have ever sunk so low they have given cheers and ovations to their own executioners. Some people have become too rotten to resist, but no people ever before has sunk so low as have those of our people who stand and cheer when told by arrogant Negroes that the blacks fully intent to WIPE US OUT AS A RACE!
The blacks holler, "GET WHITEY!" - and WHITEY CHEERS AND APPLAUDS! Surely you, too, must have tried to figure it all out!
Lying there in bed in the Sheraton Motel in Winston-Salem, in the fancy room they always get for you on these visits, I think I found the answer: GUILT! - Self HATE!
The South has been BEATEN half to death, over a hundred years ago, now, and it has its psychological toll.
The approach of the second reconstruction, now under way, has acted precisely like the approach of the torturer, after a solid year of uninterrupted torture, in a Chinese brainwashing camp.
Sargant, in his magnificent, 'BATTLE FOR THE MIND', describes how the mind reverses itself when driven past the point of any further "bending" under the stress of physical privation, unbearable mental tensions and outright torture. He describes how the victim of endless torture, becomes a FANATICAL WORSHIPPER of his torturers! Like a whipped dog, he crawls up to lick the hand of the brutal master wielding the stick on him.
Before I turned in for the night, I spent several hours in the room with assorted interested groups who kept coming and going, once they knew my room number. Usually, I run them off because of the need to get some rest (I had to fly out next a.m. at 6:30 for the next speech), but in this case, I desperately wanted to learn as much as I could about these Southern kids who seemed so crazy about coons, and how they got that way.
First, I learned that MOST of the rabid ones were NOT Southerners. The first ones up in the "standing ovation" scenes were almost all Jews and similar "liberals" from the NORTH!
When they got into my room, in groups of ten or twenty, and away from the mob scenes, I found the Southern kids were mostly O.K.
Acting as though they, themselves, had not been part of that standing ovation scene, they all explained to me that the Negro was the local football hero, that the student body was not what it seemed, that they were NOT all crazy about coons there, etc., etc.
I asked each one of them why he or she thought it all happened, and most of them came up with the ANSWER I think is right. They used different terms, of course, but the upshot of it all is GUILT - self HATE - "embarrassment", etc.
They felt that the poor coons had been insulted when I stood up there and slammed home the list of horrors happening to our country and White Race as a result of the Black Revolution! Those coon football heroes were their "friends" - courtesy of our race-mixing politicians, and they all felt as if I had kicked a poor little dog. When we talked later in the room, many of them admitted that the negroes were no pitiful little dogs, but rather a pack of wild, savage WOLVES - and that I was telling the simple truth. Nevertheless, when the black ballplayer was up there, they were helpless in the grip of GUILT FEELINGS for having participated in a meeting where the TRUTH about his race was mentioned!
Then, when the Northerners and liberals, Je$s and race-mixers rose in the "ovation" scene, none of the rest had the nerve to remain seated, not out of love of the Negro - but FEAR! Fear of being branded a "bigot", a "hater" and finally a "Nazi".
What does all this mean in terms of the overall battle we must fight to survive as a race and regain command of our own Destiny as a nation? I think it shows that the battle is going to take place MOSTLY in the NON-Southern part of the nation.
The South has been so thoroughly beaten on and kicked and filled with guilt feelings that it is no longer - as an overall population group - capable of responding vigorously and ferociously. The Klan and various segments of the Southern population will still fight and even take risks to stand against the black hell closing over us. But today, many of their own fellow Southerners are turning, in fear and confusion, against the Klan and other fighters.
The AVERAGE Southerner has "had it", just like the average German I have met. The Jews and conspirators have consciously beaten much of the native fight out of ordinary Southerners and ordinary Germans, and left them filled with a crazy, suicidal "guilt" feeling for even THINKING about resistance.
The rest of the country hasn't experienced this terrible psychological reversal. Whites everywhere are somewhat frightened of the smear-words, "bigot", "hater", etc., but not to the point where they can be put entirely out of action with such Jewish psychological attack.
As an example of what I mean, take Cicero, in Chicago. There's no "Klan" in Cicero.
Instead, EVERY citizen of Cicero is ready, willing and EAGER to fight the FIRST nigger who tries to move in.
Remember the full color picture in LIFE last summer of the brave kid from Chicago who had been actually bayonetted, standing there bleeding, sticking out his chest in magnificent defiance of the Guardsman?
While they have been successful in ramming niggers in all over the South, I truly believe the whole Federal Government, the Army, Navy, Air Force and nuclear bombs won't get one nigger into Cicero. They haven't dared even TRY, yet. They might get ONE nigger into a house in Cicero, but he'd get right back OUT again - either with his black feet going as fast as they could - or not moving at all.
In the North, where they are relatively "fresh" in this fight, the little KIDS in every White working-class neighborhood are full of the most vigorous kind of FIGHT against the black invaders of their neighborhoods. The South, after battling and LOSING for more than a hundred years, is getting discouraged. But let the South take heart!
Remember Thomas Dixon's inspiring novel, "The Klansman", which was made into one of the world's all-time great pictures, "The Birth of a Nation"?
Captain Forbes, our Los Angeles leader, has a copy of that film at the headquarters there, and I was able to see most of it on my last visit a few months ago.
For those who may have forgotten, it is the story of how the Ku Klux Klan saved the South - and the White Race - from black terrorism after the Civil War.
The Klan did a heroic job. Had I been born one hundred years ago I would have been a Klansman.
Terrorism WORKED beautifully, a hundred years ago. Today, it won't, because the politicians have available such total "legal" power to penetrate, capture and hound the few brave men who try to stop the black terrorism with counter terror.
But in the eighteen sixties and seventies, brave Klansmen were able to make a real start on saving the White South from the nigger beasts installed by carpetbaggers, scalawags and scum - most of them Je$s and perverts.
They still couldn't REALLY save the South, however, because there was always the threat of FEDERAL TROOPS. Whenever the Klan began to get strong somewhere, heavily armed Federal troops would be sent in to protect and back up nigger-rule, and the Klan would have to shift operations elsewhere.
Remember the stirring scenes in "Birth of a Nation", when the White family in the little cabin is surrounded by nigger troops, and niggers have the old men, kids and women pinned down? Only a few more rounds of ammunition remain to protect the White women from the lust-filled black savages, when suddenly, at the last moment, the nigger troops are ROUTED - by FEDERAL TROOPS OF THE NORTH WHO HAVE FINALLY SEEN AND UNDERSTOOD THAT IT WAS THEIR OWN WHITE PEOPLE THEY WERE TURNING OVER TO THE BLACKS!
Today, the same thing is happening right before our eyes.
The South has been under siege year after year, for a CENTURY!
The defenses are crumbling everywhere in the South. Many good Southerners are losing heart, as they see one barrier after another fall before the terrible power of the Federal politicians.
"It's GOT to come" they rationalize. "We might as well try to accept it with a good grace and at least make it peaceful and prevent any more bloodshed."
Nobody can blame these good people too savagely for saying that today, any more than I can blame the Germans who put up THEIR fight for the White Race only to have fellow White Men (like me) come, at the behest of the Jews, and murder and torture them by the millions.
Last-minute rescue came in "Birth of a Nation" from White Federal troops who had been on the Jew-nigger Federal side, and switched when they understood, and finally stood shoulder-to-shoulder with their White brothers and sisters of the South against nigger terror - and it STOPPED.
White Men and Women of the South, I can tell you surely and proudly, that my fellow "Yankees" are finally WAKING UP, like the Federal White troops in "Birth of a Nation", and are beginning to fight for you - for ALL of us! And when the White Men, North and South, have finally had ENOUGH of these arrogant niggers and their even more arrogant and vicious Jew leaders, we will put an END to the black horror and insanity, and the Je$ Communist treason which spawned it in one hell of a hurry!
And this time, we will never again let them divide us against each other!
The Jews and race-mixing fanatics got the North hating the South, the South hating the North, so they could plunder and dominate both, as they have.
The moment White troops in the South refused to keep their White Southern brothers under nigger terrorism, the terrorism ended, and the carpetbaggers, scalawags and scum were DRIVEN OUT.
This time, the moment White men in all of the North and West are sufficiently disgusted with being used to impose nigger terror not only on the South, but the whole nation, the terror will STOP, and the nightmare army of black and white scum, led by the Je$s will be seen and heard with their chants and insults no more!
But the re-unification of the White Race will not only be national, local and temporary, this time.
This time, there at last exists in this world an organization not dedicated to saving just one PART of the White Race - as the Klan tried and succeeded for a time in saving the South, and the German Nazis tried and succeeded for a while in saving Germany - THIS TIME, the American Nazi Party and the World Union of National Socialists, of which the American Nazi Party is a part, will see to it that the White Race never again lays itself open to brainwashing and defeat by DIVIDING ITSELF and by being taught to HATE ITSELF and PARTS OF ITSELF - the way Yankees and "rebels" were taught to hate each other, and Americans and "Nazis" were taught to hate each other.
This time we'll hate, alright - but we'll hate the ENEMY - the vicious gang of colored scum attackers and Je$ish-Communist traitors - rather than one part of our own people hating another part for the benefit of the Je$s and their army of SCUM!
And the reason we'll "hate" and do such a bang-up job of it, is not that we are some kind of a monstrous "haters", "bigots", etc., but that WE LOVE OUR PEOPLE - the White Race of people given by the Great Spirit to civilize and dominate this earth and prevent it from becoming the filthy, crazy jungle of darkness and bloodshed which now threatens.
Last week, in Winston-Salem, North Carolina, I had to watch the results of a hundred years of Jewish brainwashing on our beloved South. White kids, taught to hate "Yankees" first, "Nazis", and finally THEMSELVES, because of all the propaganda against the FACT that WHITES ARE, INDEED, A "MASTER RACE". I watched them stand up and give an ovation to an arrogant nigger who boasted he would take our lovely White girls for his nigger mobs!
Thank God, before this process can proceed much further, the White Men of the North will come "galloping" to the rescue of their hard-pressed Southern brothers and sisters and smash ANYbody or ANYthing which threatens ANY White man or woman, ANYWHERE whether he or she be called a "rebel", a "Yankee", a "Nazi", a "Christian", a "Britisher", a "Catholic" or even a "Russian".
We are living in the last days of the Great White Race, and cannot afford self-hate or division, regardless of the propaganda they pour on us as the reason.
WHITE MAN! If you are WHITE - you are my BROTHER!
I care not what religion, club, area or class you come from, nor what bit of colored cloth you wave as a flag. WE are ALL under deadly attack by colored hordes which outnumber us more than seven to one, led by a filthy Jewish, Communist conspiracy!
Stand with me and SMASH the enemy fist, TOGETHER!
Then, if you want to argue politics, economics, sociology, religion, nationality or other things with me, you can. I will even fight you, if I must.
But, FIRST, White Man, let us stand TOGETHER to secure the survival of your people and my people, for they are one and the same - they are our beloved, miraculous, wonderful, blessed and MASTERFUL WHITE RACE!
(1) The intellectual ability to perceive the problem involved, the opposition which must be expected, and the best way to overcome that opposition to reach the goal.
(2) The will and determination to do whatever may be necessary to reach the desired goal, regardless of opposition.
(3) The physical means, strength, and courage to enforce and carry out the plan or fight conceived by the mind and determined by the will.
If any of these three elements be lacking on one's purpose, failure is the inevitable, predictable result.
A man who is too stupid to understand the various factors involved in trying to walk from point "X" to point "Y", where the path between us is a jungle infested with snakes, dangerous carnivores and fever, and who fails to arm himself with weapons and maps, medicine and other equipment will never arrive at "Y" no matter how dogged his determination or how mighty his muscles. Another man attempting the same journey, though he clearly perceives the dangers and prepares for them, and though he be mighty of muscle, will yet fail to reach "Y" if he is so irresolute and weak of will that he does not persevere at the struggle and ruthlessly use whatever force might be necessary to crush and destroy the forces opposing him. And a third man who has the intellect to perceive the dangers and to prepare for them, and the will and determination to fight his way through even with the utmost heroism, but who is frail of body and so physically weak that he cannot carry out the commands of his mind and his will cannot but succumb to the stronger adversaries he will meet.
It is with civilizations as it is with the struggles of individual men. Dozens of great civilizations have perished because of failure in one or more of these three elements necessary in the struggle for survival.
Savage societies usually perish, not so much from lack of vigorous will or lack of physical strength, as from lack of ability to perceive the real situation. Drowning in superstition and stumbling in the darkness of ignorance, they are overwhelmed by the physical forces of violent natural occurrences, catastrophes and diseases which more civilized societies have learned to overcome.
On the other hand, civilizations, for all their intellectual achievements and sciences, perish most often because of failure of the will, the diminishing of the savage and ruthless drive for survival and dominance which originally created society. They become "humanitarian", selfish, and soft. They become physically weak and dependent on paid armies and police to do their fighting. The fighting spirit of honor and self-sacrifice and heroism of their ancestors gives way to a growing love of ease and luxury and cowardice masquerading as "humanitarianism".
When a civilization reaches this effete stage in its decay, only a very rare historical occurrence can halt the final collapse of the society as the decadence grows daily more apparent. Only when the dying society still has enough life-energy to produce a spiritual giant, a godlike throwback to the ancient heroism of its people who is able to shock and drive the civilization out of its natural historical night of sleep and death, in spite of the suicidal opposition of the dying peoples who long only for "peace" and the slumber of death, can a society once again rise for a while.
Western, Aryan civilization passed the historical point of no return on its journey into limbo during the nineteenth century, as was duly noted by Spengler, Chamberlain, and others. Were it not for the unbelievable, miraculous arrival of Adolf Hitler at the last possible moment, the only bearable course for an intelligent, perceptive, and sensitive man surrounded by a disgusting and suicide-bent civilization would have been resigned enjoyment of such momentary pleasures as provided escape from the soul-crushing reality of a Judai$ed, cannibalized and boob-ized civilization rushing headlong back to the jungle in the name of "humanitarianism".
But the appearance in history of Adolf Hitler is evidence that there still remains in White, Western civilization a sufficient spark of self-sacrificing, creative vigor to permit, perhaps, another thousand years or so of survival for the White man. This infinitely precious spark will remain just that, however, and quickly fade into darkness, so long as the tiny elite minority of humanity with the wit to see what Hitler did is too selfish, cowardly, and short-sighted to apply the lessons of history before it is too late forever, and fan the spark Hitler gave us into the roaring flame of creative civilization founded by our courageous ancestors.
So far, the fearful punishment meted out to Adolf Hitler's fighting heroes of civilization by Je$ish forces of decay and destruction has so unnerved and terrified the world that even those able to see and understand the peril to humanity, and the way to salvation as shown by Adolf Hitler, are so pitifully attached to their lives and liberties and comforts that they dare not pick up the sacred spark of White survival and fan it with their own life's breath, which it must soon have---or go out forever.
Aryan, White humanity is on the precipice of darkness and oblivion. Strewn on the crags in the eternal blackness below are the bones of other know-it-all, pompous civilizations which were doubtless unable to imagine their own demise at the very time when they were surrounded by the outward power and magnificence of empire. They were unable to realize or face up to the TOTAL threat of a growing weakness and "humanitarianism", unable to muster the TOTAL will necessary to reverse the historical march to death and oblivion. They were too lazy and selfish, greedy and cowardly to heed the tiny few who have been burned, crucified, stoned, fed to the lions or handed the cup of hemlock.
If there is any history a thousand years hence, and any people able to study it, they will marvel in disbelief most of all at the stubborn refusal of the White man to use his overwhelming strength, his knowledge and the providential gift of Adolf Hitler's leadership to save himself from the most incredible and cringing slavery at the hands of a relatively tiny gang of disgusting, pathologically unbalanced, physically weak and cowardly, arrogant, tyrannical Je$s.
Our problems today are not "American" problems, "British" problems, "French", "German" or "European" or "African" problems---they are problems of SURVIVAL FOR ALL WHITE MEN.
What, in the name of the most elementary reason, is the difference between whether Bartholomew Buckingham is born near the Thames, Hans Schmidt on the Rhine, Pierre Dubois on the Seine, Per Olafson in Stockholm, Eric Erasmus in Durban, Joe Doaks in Podunk, Ohio or John Smith in Auckland, New Zealand compared to the question of "Shall there BE any more Bartholomews, Hanses, Pierres, Per, Erics, Joes or Johns?"
Our planet swarms with colored creatures who outnumber us by more than FOUR TO ONE---and in all of our nations these inferior beings, we are told, are our "equals", able to vote away our money, our liberties, our lives and our honor. By the old-fashioned notions of nationalism and democracy I, Lincoln Rockwell, am supposed to treasure and care for and be loyal to some of the lowest spawn of the jungle, providing only that their Black dam gave them to the world in some American ditch or filthy crib---because then, of course, they are "Americans", and aren't we all out for "America"?
Or am I to be loyal and die for these miserable and pitiable half-animals, my "fellow Americans", by slaughtering millions upon millions of the finest biological specimens of my own race, because a gang of Hollywood Je$s teaches us that Americans must hate Germans?
Or again, is it a certain piece of geography to which I am to be loyal, and for which I must kill my own people and perhaps die myself? Does my loyalty to this hunk of geography stop at the Canadian border?
But perhaps it is "Americanism" to which I am to be loyal and for which I must make war upon German men, women and children. When I examine what they tell me is "Americanism", however, I find that it consists primarily in being willing to submit meekly to Je$ish direction of my culture, government, religion, entertainment, and even my sex life.
No, all this is nonsense.
The only thing to which I can be loyal with any deep conviction -- the only loyalty which makes any sense -- is my RACIAL, and therefore cultural, brotherhood with my own people, no matter where they happen to have been born! When that loyalty is challenged, and my people are in danger, it is monstrous to pretend that we must be suspicious of each other just because we live across imaginary geographical lines, and that, upon proper preparation and agitation by a gang of international Jews, we White men must march forth to kill each other and bomb each other to ashes and everlastingly hate each other because we are "trade rivals" or for "American democracy" or the "British Empire" or for anything else in the world.
I am a WHITE MAN, and a brother to all other White men, and I mean to stand with all of them and, if necessary, lead them in battle to survive against the unspeakable menace of the colored populations of the earth rising to slaughter and rapine against the White men -- and led by the scheming Je$!
But like the first man in the analogy of the walk through the snake-infested jungle, too many of our White "leaders" fail to perceive the cosmic proportions of the problem and imagine it is something which can be solved in "their" country, and by half measures.
The tiny few who do see the dreadful and total urgency of the White man's situation have, until our arrival on the scene, attempted to fight with less than the total weapons required in a total fight for survival. Most of the best leaders have imagined that small groups of beleaguered White men, gathered into little geographical huddles behind imaginary lines and waving different colored bits of cloth bravely in the breezes, can survive by themselves, and the hell with the other White men who have different bits of colored cloth.
The Jews have NEVER made the mistake of seriously dividing themselves into these phony geographical "teams". On the contrary, the Jews -- with their Bolshevism, Zioni$m, and mongrelism -- are attacking ALL White men, EVERYWHERE and ALL THE TIME. They are sending their black armies into all of our nations in an all-out attack against the White elite of the world, with absolutely no considerations of "national" boundaries or flags or languages or cultures. In the face of this total international threat of annihilation by RACE, millions of those who already see the danger are to be found babbling darkly of "Yankee imperialism", "British Empire", "dirty Catholics", "immoral atheists", "Republicans", "Laborites", "damned Yankees", "Germany first", etc., etc., ad nauseam.
Like little boys besieged by a mob of kidnappers and murderers, they cannot resist squabbling about who has the most marbles in the face of deadly danger they temporarily forget. The battle of our times -- if there is to be any battle -- is for the SURVIVAL OF THE WHITE RACE!
And to survive, the White man will have to RE-CONQUER the earth once conquered and civilized at the cost of so much blood by his ancestors. Under the banners of international Je$ry, the colored masses are threatening to return civilization to savagery. Under the Swastika banner of Adolf Hitler, White men around the world will master the planet to save civilization.
The Je$ish war against civilization has actually been a world-wide, gigantic REVOLUTION, in the course of which they got millions of us to murder each other shouting "Democracy!" "Gott mit uns!", "Free the slaves!", "Liberty, equality, fraternity!" And now they are preparing for the final bloodbath during which we will shout "Capitalism!" and "Communism!" respectively, as the two teams of White men slaughter each other with Je$-financed H-bombs.
In the course of these fratricidal and suicidal wars, the Je$s have not been afraid to sacrifice thousands of their brethren in their devilish cause, as they did in the last monstrous slaughter in the 1940s. The Je$s realize what WE must realize: that they are playing for the highest stakes in the knowledge of mankind---mastery of the whole earth---and they do not shrink from the inescapable conclusions of strategy and tactics dictated by knowledge of such stakes. If we are to survive then we too must have the wit and the strength of mind to face up to the deadly facts of the situation and act RUTHLESSLY, RAPIDLY, and EFFECTIVELY.
The Je$s have almost won the final step in their 4,000-year revolution---OPEN world power. They now have total secret power to manipulate and control all world activities, and lack only a little more brainwashing and breaking of the will of the masses to make their world domination an acknowledged and formal power. They have fought and won their way to this incredible power by unsurpassed determination and iron will over forty centuries, and only a miracle can prevent the final victory of such fanatical warriors, tragically and viciously wrong as such a victory would be for humanity.
Even the atheist Je$s---which is most of them---have an inexplicable belief in the ancient Jewish prophecies that when "the law comes forth from the hills of Zyon" and Jerusalem, it will be the millennium for the Je$s and they will own and rule the earth. THEY ARE IN JERUSALEM NOW, and lack only a few blocks of it for total possession! *[NB. - Commander Rockwell was writing before the 1967 war wherein the Je$s seized the rest of the city. - WS]* They are experiencing a worldwide frenzy as they can already sense the total victory we are about to give them, and they are even now preparing their sacrificial orgy of victory in Tel Aviv!
In the face of this unspeakable threat, that the whole world and all of us will fall to the tyranny of a gang of criminal paranoiacs, the narrow chauvinism, conservatism, and regionalism of most right-wing leaders is the utmost stupidity! With the masters of mongrels, the Je$s, leading MILLIONS of savages in a worldwide attack against the White-elite bearers of civilization, and with the end only moments away in terms of history, only the most short-sighted leaders can continue to keep our children divided and helpless into "teams" of Americans, Dixiecrats, Catholics, Germans, Yankees, atheists, Dutchmen, conservatives, Irishmen, etc. down through the whole pitiful, heartbreaking list. The Je$ may be all of these things---but FIRST HE IS A JE$!
It is the first task of him who would save civilization---which requires saving the White man---to make White men supremely and totally conscious of RACE above all other allegiances. Our people can be Democrats or Germans or Catholics or Englishmen if they want to and if it suits their purposes, but FIRST THEY MUST BE WHITE MEN! Otherwise, the Je$ will keep us divided and helpless and unconscious of our racial unity and strength, while they fanatically fight as Je$s, no matter where they are, until it is all over.
The world of TV, rockets and jet transportation has become too small to permit any group of White men anywhere to enjoy the suicidal luxury of fighting each other on behalf of the Je$ ever again, no matter what the reason which may be advanced in the propaganda. We simply cannot afford to fight each other when we are under such overwhelming and deadly attack by such endless hordes led by such a fanatical and devilish enemy as the Marxist, Zyonist Jew. The reason that the White man has been losing for so long in the first place is that he has failed or refused to see the enormity and the pressing urgency of his problem. He has permitted himself to be distracted into a million little squabbles over trifles, while his race has been driven almost to extinction.
Like the first man in the analogy, we haven't understood the path, the nature of the obstacles and, worst of all, we haven't even realized the goal we must win--or die. That goal is and must be MASTERY OF THE EARTH BY THE WHITE MAN, since civilization depends solely on such White mastery. Any lesser goal is utterly worthless, just as it would be worthless for a man scheduled to hang to take vitamins and attain perfect health.
And such a fantastically difficult and cosmic goal as world mastery cannot be won by luck, sneaking, half-measures, prayers, hopes, fine speeches, pamphlets, or sporadic violence. What we must aim at and achieve is a WORLD COUNTER REVOLUTION against the Je$ish Marxist-Zyonist revolution. And revolutions are never, never, NEVER the result of spontaneous and fortuitous uprisings, but ALWAYS the product of ruthless, scientific planning and fighting, based on the immutable laws of great social upheavals. Behind the pitchforks and the barricades there is always the story of the candle-lit conspiracies by the planners---otherwise the revolution would be over in a trice.
Not only have our handful of leaders so far failed to realize the unheard-of proportions of the goal at which we must aim, but they have singularly failed to face up to their terrifying responsibilities in planning. Time after time, would-be leaders have arisen and led us in pitiful efforts to nip the end of the tiger's tail, only to waste our substance and blood and heroism in a fruitless struggle which always ends in being crushed by a single, smashing blow from the paw of the beast.
The Je$ish world revolution can only be broken and beaten by a counter world revolution.
Any revolution must be planned with care and precision in accordance with the iron laws governing human conduct in the mass. A world revolution, in the face of the international and staggering power of Je$ry, must be planned and executed with a brilliance and ruthlessness unmatched in the history of the world.
The most fundamental rule of such a cataclysmic social upheaval as a revolution is: "The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the church!" Perhaps it sounds cruel and brutal, but it is nevertheless true, that the greater the proportion of human upheaval aimed at, the greater quantity of blood and torrents of tears which must be poured out in vast quantities to gain the goal. The kind of unprecedented, colossal movement which can alone reverse the suicidal trend of the Western world, and usher in even another thousand years of survival for the White man, can never be launched--let alone won--in any safe, painless, or easy way. Even ordinary sufferings and martyrdom are too minscule for the kind of movement we must set aflame to survive.
Everything about the current deadly battle for world mastery is and must be Olympian, and we cannot shrink from Olympian AGONIES if we are to hope to win.
Mighty movements always require millions of people to immolate themselves in a passion of self-sacrificing devotion to the cause. And these enormous masses of people can never be moved to fling themselves into the flames of revolution with shouts of "Favorable trade balance!" or "States' rights!" etc. Only the FUNDAMENTAL drives from deep inside the human psyche can lift the slow-moving masses from their ignorant apathy to the wild pitch of emotion which carries them entirely away in the tidal wave of revolution.
Nothing so affects these fundamental emotions of the masses as HEROISM, and only the utmost heroism can now save the White man from his lethargy and paralyzing fear of the Je$s.
And there is no symbol other than the Swastika and no name other than Adolf Hitler which is so beautifully calculated to produce the persecution and consequent heroism which alone can unite and inflame the White man into an irresistible wave of anti-Je$ish Marxist-Zyonist revolution. Until the advent of Adolf Hitler, the White men of the world had nothing, absolutely NOTHING in the way of a common cause, common heroes, common martyrs, sacred shrines, names and symbols. But now, after millions of young German White men heroically flung their precious lives away in the first real fight in history for the White elite, we finally have the blood-soaked shrines, symbols, and martyrs which are the most elementary stuff of revolution.
Millions of equally precious young White men on the opposing side, fighting for the devilish Communist-Zyonist Je$s, will have lost their lives for absolutely nothing unless we accept this stupendous blood-sacrifice, and use it to ensure that never again will precious White blood be spilled fighting for Je$s and negroes.
Nevertheless, and unbelievably, the lucky heirs of all this self-sacrifice and heroism---the recipients of these precious bloodstained banners and sacred names---reject their heritage as "impractical".
"We can never win with open adherence to National Socialism and the Swastika," these gentlemen explain feebly. "The Je$s have taught people to hate them too much," they add. "If we use the Swastika and praise Hitler too openly, they will throw us in prison or kill us!" And did they not throw ALL makers of revolutions, including the Je$ makers of the Red revolution, in jail---and even kill some of them? Are we National Socialists to be more fearful and cowardly than a gang of Jews? The very persecution and bloodshed such irresolute characters seek to avoid is the *sine qua non* of our victory!
These are not empty words. I have personally proved their truth here in America, the power center of world Je$ry, by being beaten, by going to jail and the insane asylum, losing my dear family, and living like an animal. Twelve days from today, as I write this, I face jail again. These things are unpleasant and even heartbreaking---but they MUST BE!
I have risen in two years to a commanding position in the worldwide fight for the White man, starting as a penniless, unknown and unaided single individual like millions upon millions of others---simply and solely because I have gratefully and lovingly used the precious names and symbols which have been bathed and soaked in such oceans of blood and tears---the Swastika and the name of the Leader, Adolf Hitler.
Temporary and flashy political successes are always easy. It is always simpler and quicker to put pads in one's jacket that to build the human muscles to fill the coat by months or years of work and sweat. For fifty years now, there has been a steady rise and fall of "right-wing" or White movements built entirely of pads.
By endorsing motherhood and virtue and patriotism, etc., and by avoiding brutal statements of the real purpose of such organizations---which must necessarily be the extermination of the Communist-Zyonist enemies of humanity---great flocks of skittish "patriots", "conservatives", and even a few "tough" anti-Semites could be corralled. But these people are not attracted to such a movement because they are so inflamed with revolutionary zeal that they can hardly be restrained from attacking their tormentors in the streets. Rather they join the "patriot" society to relieve their guilty consciences by pretending to fight the Je$s and their treason and terror by what they call "clever underground methods". They relieve themselves of their pent-up frustration at the tyranny of the Je$s and negroes once a week at a "Rally" (private, of course) and then hurry home happily for another week of profits, parties and TV.
Such Mighty Mouses are horrified when it is suggested that perhaps they should hand out pamphlets in the street, or picket some outrageous example of Je$ish-Communist arrogance. And if one exposes not only the Jews for what they are, but also exposes these political loafers who siphon off the support and energy for a real battle, these heroes reply by howling that one is an agent provocateur working to get them all crucified as a bunch of Nazis--which, except for their disgusting cowardice, they might otherwise be.
It is not the task of the world anti-Je$ish revolution to attract and organize these contemptible sneaks, but to drive them out of the way and out of business, where they will be unable to milk the Movement of the tiny bit of available support for useless "projects", as they have been doing for years. Nothing accomplishes that task like the Swastika. The political drones, profiteers, prostitutes and cowards scoot with their tails between their legs from this hooked cross, as the devil does from holy water.
On the other hand, the Swastika has an irresistible attraction for the kind of daring, bold, devil-may-care fighting YOUNG men we need. In America, most of them are simply nigger-haters because of their pure White man's instinct. When they learn the Je$s' part in the disgraceful negro situation they become Nazis in minutes. Then it is the work of only months until they also understand the deeper significance, the idealism, and the true aims of the Movement.
But even more important than these advantages, the blood-soaked Swastika has a supernatural effect on Je$s. It is after all only a few black lines---but it drives the Je$s out of their usual sly and calculating frame of mind and makes them hysterical and foolish. To them, it is not just the lines, but the awful threat of ruthless exposure, swift justice, and terrible vengeance which their guilty consciences tell them they richly deserve. It is like a picture of the electric chair to a hunted murderer.
A calm, calculating Je$ is the most dangerous beast on the face of the earth. By the exercise of his devilish, perverted but brilliant reason, the Jew has almost mastered all the rest of us. But a hysterical, screaming Je$, out of his mind with hate and fear of punishment for his crimes, is helpless putty in the hands of a calculating National Socialist.
We have proved this time and again---when Je$ish councils have spent millions of dollars to spread the word among the Jews to ignore us. But the hordes of guilty little sinners can't do it! When they see that Swastika and hear us praising Adolf Hitler and describing the gas chambers for traitors, they become screaming, wild ghetto Je$s who have eternally blown up their victories at the last moment by their insane passions of hate and revenge.
The result is the lifeblood of a political movement: PUBLICITY! In spite of the Je$ish domination of all the media of public information, the parading of Swastikas and National Socialists in public streets cannot be hidden or ignored without giving the game away. They can suppress the news, to be sure. But then too many people realize their press power and censorship. And when the young Movement is able to force publication of its existence on the giant national TV networks, in magazines, the press, etc.---it serves as a clarion call to the frustrated millions who are looking for such a movement. It is only thus that we have been able to contact thousands of people all over the world who have never before been in any "patriot" outfit but couldn't resist the American Nazi Party and the World Union of National Socialists. [NOTE: Commander formally changed the name of his organization to the NATIONAL SOCIALIST WHITE PEOPLE'S PARTY during his last national staff conference in June of 1967. - WS]
The Swastika and Hitler, far from being millstones, are actually the answer to the eternal problem of the right wing---money! When you don't have money for paper, meeting halls, etc.---as our side never does---you can go into the streets and march and distribute homemade handbills and picket---for nothing. The Je$s go wild, attack---and you then have free use of millions of dollars worth of Je$ish TV, newspapers, magazines, etc. Of course, you may get bloodied and have to sit in jail a while recuperating. But this is a small price to pay for the astonishing results.
In addition to the free publicity attendant on open operation as a Nazi, you also find that the very audacity of the thing will attract the young fighting men you need, even though they know nothing and care less about the politics of the business. They admire raw courage and daring. Later, when they have come to know the facts a little better, they will fight for ideals and the White man. But until then, these valuable protectors of your free speech will fight just for fun.
Above all, the Swastika will save you from the fundamental error of the right wing---that sweet reason will change the world and save us from the Je$ish tyrants.
Reason is still an infant in human affairs, a precious and rare development found in the mutational brains of an infinitesimal minority of homo sapiens. And even the few geniuses able to exercise genuine, independent reason are almost entirely incapable of acting in accordance with the dictates of that reason---which is one of the reasons so many of them end up as failures in a world which does not appreciate them or their reason.
It is FORCE, POWER, STRENGTH which rules the world, from the ebb and flow of the tides to the decision of your neighbor to join the Rotary. Only a negligible fringe of oddball humans change their mind as a result of being convinced by a superior argument. The overwhelming masses, including the mass of today's "intellectuals", change their minds only in order to CONFORM. In other words, the minds of the vast majority ALWAYS bow to the strongest opinion---the opinion which brings rewards and avoids punishment.
The right wing examines its reasons and arguments and facts and finds them true and good---as they may be. They then become outraged which the slobs next door cannot see and appreciate this rightness and, very probably, throw them out of the house for preaching "hate." But this is only as things are. The slobs will hold whatever opinion seems to show the most strength and WILL TO POWER. They are completely, hopelessly female in their approach to reason and always, ALWAYS prefer strength to "rightness".
When they say "no" to our Swastika and National Socialism, they are only the eternal female saying "no" but meaning, "If you accept my no, then you are a weakling and have no right to my favors. Let us see if you have the manhood and the strength to MAKE me say yes!"
They hate us now because we are weak and powerless. All the reason in the world will never make them love us or our ideas in ANY guise, no matter how we try to sugar-coat them, until we COMMAND THEIR RESPECT AND ADMIRATION FOR OUR WILL, our guts, our force! As stupid as they are, their instincts in smelling force and strength are still pure, and the attempt to SNEAK National Socialist ideas in the guise of "patriot leagues" and other nice, safe groups very properly repulses them as being the actions of cowards and sneaks.
To HELL with the sneaky, safer approaches! They get us persecuted every bit as much as the direct, open approach, and they doom us to miserable, sneaking failure every time. If we are to be the last of the White men who conquered the world; if we are finally to be overwhelmed by a pack of rats, let us at least face the death of our race as our ancestors faced their death---like MEN. Let us not crawl down amongst the rats begging for mercy or trying to out-sneak them and pretend to be rats ourselves!
Let us stand on the scaffold of history---if hang we must---like the martyrs of Nuremberg, tall and proud! Is life so sweet, is comfort so precious and a job in a Je$ish counting house so sacred that we are AFRAID to grasp the mighty hand of ADOLF HITLER reaching down to us our of our glorious past? Again, to HELL with sneaking and safety!
It is part of the Je$s to be sneaky and sly. The genius of our people has ever been joyous strength, robust forcefulness, directness, manly courage, and flaming heroism. When the Je$s, with their economic terrorism, jails, bullies and hangmen, scare the White man into laying down his cudgel and goad him into trying to out-sneak Je$ish tyranny, the Je$s have completely emasculated the once-strong White man, and doomed him to dishonor and defeat. The White man can NEVER win by sneaking!
In the dawn of Nordic civilization, lesser races used to cringe in their rude huts and pray, "Lord, save us from the fury of the men of the North!" It was THAT kind of man who built Western civilization. If civilization is now to be saved from the swarms of degenerate Je$s, their cannibal accomplices and their unspeakably depraved liberal friends, it will be THAT kind of man who saves it, NEVER sneaks!
WHITE MAN! The same iron blood of your mighty ancestors flows in your veins! The towering figure of ADOLF HITLER reaches out a giant hand to lift you up to world-conquering POWER! You have cringed long enough before pygmies! Now RISE! Defy the rats and vermin at your feet! Let them feel the toe and heel of your boot! Stamp them out!
You have been sleeping. When you rise and stand up, and the masses once more see what a man of FORCE looks like, they will love you as they now imagine they hate you. With the spark of National Socialism, struck by Adolf Hitler, burning in your breast, you are unconquerable! IN HOC SIGNO VINCES! In the sign of the Swastika, YOU will conquer!
Join hands with the heroes in America, Britain, Iceland, Denmark and other White countries who have raised the holy Swastika banner and defended it with their blood. It has risen from the ashes of Berlin, and never shall it be hauled down again. Stand with us before the altar of Adolf Hitler and the world-conquering White race, and pledge your life as we have, to bring the order and justice of Western, White civilization once more into the world. Let us teach the traitors and rats and pygmies once more to cringe in terror in their huts and pray, "Lord save us from the FURY OF THE MEN OF THE NORTH!"
From The Ivory Tower To The Privy Wall: On The Art Of Propaganda
If each of the men in the fable about the blind men and the elephant were required to construct a model of an elephant, there would be three very different models. The blind man who felt only the tail would build a model as he described an elephant in the fable -- as "a sort of rope." The blind man who felt the leg and said an elephant was like a tree would produce a tree-like "elephant," while the man who felt only the trunk would construct his "elephant" like a snake.
Most men I have met in politics consider themselves automatically experts in the field of propaganda. But almost all of them make the same type of basic error in their propaganda as did the blind men in describing and reconstructing an elephant; both suffer from insufficient experience with the subject.
A right-wing businessman, when he gets sick, doesn't try to doctor himself, nor does he try to practice law himself, nor does he even try to do his own advertising. He hires professional experts to do these highly technical jobs for him. But when that same right-wing businessman wants to move the people of a whole nation to an understanding of our national peril, he doesn't hesitate to spend relatively huge sums trying to write and produce his own amateur propaganda. In almost every case he produces propaganda which he likes, completely forgetting in his political excitement that the art of propaganda (and advertising) is not in producing that which one likes and admires one's self, but that which will produce the effect desired -- sales in the case of advertising and political conviction in the case of propaganda.
Because he is able to think, he presumes that his audience is also able to think a completely unwarranted assumption.
Because he himself is repelled by crudeness and exaggeration, he makes his pitch factual, logical, and usually subtle. In addition to this foolishness, he also forgets that the average man in the street is emotionally assaulted during all his waking hours by advertising brilliantly designed by experts to capture attention through the most powerful kind of psychological impact. The average right wing piece, crowded onto a page, verbose, and dull, is not only not able to win the attention of the average man amid all this competition, but positively repels him.
Even worse propaganda mistakes are made by both those at the top and those at the bottom of the right-wing intellectual spectrum. Because they can't read and understand "them big words," the Klan types are "agin'" anything other than the crudest and most brutal of approaches. "Hit 'em 'longside the haid with a two-by-four," is the motto of these boys, and any attempt to produce anything else is likely to get you called a "Communist-Jew spy," or get you hit "'longside the haid" yourself. This type loves the American Nazi Party's "Boat Ticket to Africa" and the Stormtrooper, for instance, but rages that the Rockwell Report is too "long" and "dull."
At the other extreme is the Ph.D. right-winger who hurriedly claps his hand over his mouth and gulps in nausea when one shows him something like our all-time most popular propaganda piece, our "Boat Ticket to Africa," full of expressions such as "nigger-armpit stench" and the like. Because this refined gentleman prefers to read Spengler or Gobineau, he can't imagine that the ideas of these men might be gotten across to a semi- literate farmer better with a "boat ticket" than with a volume of Houston Stewart Chamberlain.
In the middle group are the Birch-type blind men who produce millions and millions of dollars worth of wasted propaganda; wasted because it is not designed to do the job they really want and need done, but is instead what they like to hear. These people have never yet stopped to reflect that in order to win they need not just the thinkers -- the right-wingers, the bourgeois, rich folks, and the rest of the elite minority þ but the vast masses of the people who support demagogues like Johnson, FDR, and Kennedy. Goldwater's catastrophe was the result of producing propaganda and campaigns designed to win thinkers instead of masses. The result was that twenty-seven million Goldwater thinkers were swamped at the polls by some forty-three million Johnson wishers and hopers, who can never, never, never be reached by "conservative" logic, facts, and boring, sissy tea parties.
The worst waste of money I have ever seen in the whole field of propaganda was the special Sunday supplement the Birch Society put out not so long ago in newspapers all over America. It cost as much as a quarter of a million dollars in some cities. Had it been designed to appeal to the mass, the "average man," the man who votes with his heart instead of his head, it could have been worth the millions it took to publish. But it was foolishly aimed at a relatively tiny minority. On the front cover, in full color, it showed a typical Birch Society meeting, in the home of a man obviously wealthy þ in the kind of living room which would make the average, working-class, overalled American uncomfortable. The Birchers were sitting around sipping tea with their pinkies daintily extended, and the whole atmosphere was foreign, ridiculous, and even painful to the man in overalls -- to America's millions of "ordinary Joes."
There might have been some sense in printing that piece in Fortune. But to spend money to put that advertisement (which could reach only the rich and the sophisticated) in a mass medium, at the cost of a mass medium, was the kind of thoughtlessness which keeps the right wing powerless, eternally defeated, and discouraged.
Does this mean that the Birch Society's high-level appeal is a total waste? Should all their propaganda be like that of the Klan? An elephant is neither all leg nor all tail nor all trunk. A complete, whole elephant needs all of these parts to live. The Je$s, masters of the art of propaganda that they are (unlike the right wing), have understood this fundamental truth and have organized their "pitch" to appeal to all levels.
For the kids and the primitives -- for the "masses" -- the Je$s produce comic books and comic strips; crude, apparently "obvious" television programs, movies, and radio presentations; and the sort of printed material one can find in True Confessions and similar magazines - or on privy walls.
For the lower-middle classes, they provide pseudo-"objective" and thoughtful television "documentaries," which flatter the unthinking bourgeois into imagining that they are participating in a scholarly and high-level "study" of a controversial subject, while actually the Je$s are pumping into their smug, ego-blinded minds massive doses of raw lies and hatred. They also provide this kind of "intellectual" pap in Look, Life, and other mass-circulation periodicals.
For the upper-middle classes -- the college graduates, professionals, and business executives -- the Je$s produce their Harper's Magazine and Atlantic Monthly "think-pieces," which are genuinely intellectual but nevertheless so subtly poisoned by false basic assumptions and misdirections that all the thinking in the world is bound to lead only to error. This is the sort of thing one finds among the sincere race-mixers and liberals, who have been taught, as religious dogmata, that anything other than democracy is unthinkable, that black men are only white men with dark skins, and that all opponents of liberalism are "fascists" who seek to murder almost everybody and who have no ideas other than bloodshed and tyranny.
Starting with these as unquestionable premises, the most sincere and well-intentioned "thinking" in the world can produce nothing but the race-mixers, liberals, beatniks, rebels, and lost souls who are swarming like maggots in every intellectual center of our civilization.
Finally, there is the devilishly clever, ivory-tower propaganda designed for the truly intellectual and highly sophisticated academic community, which actually does examine even basic premises. For this latter, elite class, even though it is tiny, the Je$s spare no effort or money. For were the intellectual leaders of a nation to see through all the propaganda on the lower levels, it would sooner or later be disastrous to the Je$s, when the elite had warned the masses. For this minute, top group, the Jews actually produce manufactured "facts" of the most basic nature.
To give an example of this incredible process, let me cite the method they have used to make it a dogmatic "fact" that there are no measurable, scientific differences between races and, therefore, no races at all! The Jews first got a few of their boys into top university spots (Columbia University being an outstanding, but by no means unique, example) with the express purpose of giving academic respectability to their "there-is-no-such-thing-as-race" lie.
One of the first and most important of these was Franz Boas, a Jew heavily involved in communist causes, who sent congratulations to Stalin on his birthdays {Je$ish Voice, January, 1942} and whose red record cannot be doubted by any objective observer. This communistic Je$ began teaching anthropology at Columbia University in 1896 and dominated the anthropology department there until his death in 1942.
Meanwhile he produced one book after another "proving" that there were no such things as racial differences among men {Kultur und Rasse (Leipzig, 1914); Anthropology and Modern Life (New York, 1928); Aryans and non-Aryans (New York, 1934); General Anthropology (Boston, 1938), The Question of Race: Aryans and non-Aryans. Are They Distinctive Types? (New York. 1940); Race, Language, and Culture (New York, 1940): Race and Democratic Society, a post-mortem collection of his writings (New York, 1945), to name but a few.}
The whole of Je$ry pitched in to boost their boy. Boas was praised in every Je$ish-owned newspaper and periodical and given every academic prize they could promote. Little by little, Boas gained such "stature" by this Je$ish mutual-admiration society technique that he became an "acknowledged authority" in social anthropology and ethnology. His students and colleagues at Columbia -- Herskovits, Klineberg, Ashley Montagu, Weltfish -- as unsavory a collection of left-wing Jews as one might hope for -- spread his doctrines far and wide, deliberately poisoning the minds of two generations of American students at many of our largest universities {Carleton Putnam, Race and Reason (Washington, 1961), pp. 18, 47}.
Meanwhile, honest race researchers were given the opposite treatment, full use being made of economic boycott and unlimited intellectual smear. Honest anthropologists couldn't get their books published or, if published, distributed {Ibid., pp. 19, 49}.
As just one instance, at the time when Boas was at the height of his destructive activity, Madison Grant, president of the New York Zoological Society and a trustee of the American Museum of Natural History, wrote a study of the racial situation in America, entitled The Conquest of a Continent, or the Expansion of Races in America (New York, 1933). The book was flatly contradictory to the Boas-Je$ish racial propaganda and sounded a clear warning of the impending danger of serious racial degeneration in the United States.
Whereupon the Anti-Defamation League of B'nai B'rith issued a circular letter to publishers, dated December 13, 1933, in which they blatantly stated that Grant's book was "antagonistic to Je$ish interests" and demanded that it be "stifled" - as it has been! Copies of this book -- and any honest book about race -- are very hard to find. They are almost nonexistent in the university community -- in such places as college bookstores and all but a few of the largest university libraries.
This whole intellectual fraud would never work if our side had sense enough to understand it and courage enough to stand up to it. But our side can never understand, let alone fight, this vicious Je$ish perversion of our people and their minds as long as our side, like the aforementioned blind men, remains utterly mulish in its insistence on amateur and one-level propaganda efforts. The left wing has its organizations and its propaganda at all levels. And the whole left aims the same way -- right at your heart! They have their Dean Achesons, their Harvard professors, their White House presidential aides. But they also have their brutal goon squads in the streets of the steel towns, ready to crack the legs of their opponents over a curbstone, as is their quaint custom. In between, they have their "soldiers" at all levels, and they are all part of the same army of hate against the White man and Western civilization.
Let one of my supercilious, intellectual critics just spend an evening watching television or reading a teenage magazine -- not for pleasure, but to analyze the masterful methods of the Je$ish brainwashers, and he will see that they do not use intellectual propaganda exclusively to do their devilish work, but also the most stupid, obvious, and brutal anti-intellectual stuff imaginable. At the same time, let him examine the explosion of scatology on any big newsstand and see just what primitive, rough propaganda the Je$ produces for the mass mind. Even the pornographic, illegal "comic books" smuggled from kid to kid and man to man are loaded with propaganda for race-mixing and degeneracy. And there is nothing subtle about the disgusting magazines openly sold for queers.
The Je$s do not confine their attack on us only to gutter propaganda or only to goon squads; God knows, they certainly have flooded America with their filthy and degenerate "literature," "art," and "poetry," with their "comedians," their warped stage plays, and their savage, jungle "music," while there are still plenty of communist muscle squads to break your head open if they can't pervert it. In short the enemy has brought about a "black miracle" of subversion of our people with his multi-level propaganda, while the reply of the leaders of our people has been almost entirely an attempt to "prove," with facts and arguments, that all this is "wrong."
Right and wrong in propaganda have no meaning. There are only effective and ineffective. Je$ish propaganda couldn't be more wrong, objectively speaking, but it is almost always right, psychologically. It is carefully aimed; it is designed for a specific audience; it is not concerned with what the producers think and feel, but with what the audience thinks and feels; and it is uniformly excellent and successful in doing the job for which it is intended.
Right-wing propaganda, to choose a contrary example, is almost always wrong. It is invariable, single-level material -- usually aimed at the upper middle class. It is utterly disdainful of the audience and endlessly insists that "the truth will make us free," if we just get out enough "literature" (almost none of which is read by prospective converts). Almost all right-wing literature is read by other right-wingers who do not need it. It is basically reactionary, concerned almost wholly with money, taxes, and protection of wealth and vested interests (masked, of course, with "deep concern" for the Constitution, "our American way of life," and the like). It is incredibly snobbish and contemptuous toward the kind of horny-handed, working, hard-pressed "ordinary Joe" who, in his millions, makes up the masses which have kept FDR, Truman, Ike, JFK, and now LBJ in office.
Surely we need the truth and facts and arguments -- but only to win over the officers and noncoms of our counter-revolutionary forces and then to educate and train them for intellectual combat with the well-trained forces of the enemy, not to convert the masses. To try to use the "facts and arguments" method with the masses of the people is the eternal stumbling block of the right wing. By insisting on only this method, in its pure (and dull) form, not only the right wing, but any movement of national regeneration, insures that its material is read only by itself and the few Jews whose professional job it is to study and neutralize its material.
Hitler's National Socialist movement not only did not make that stupid mistake, but brilliantly exploited every field of propaganda with inspired material, scientifically designed not only to appeal to a few stuffy professors -- but to move people, to move millions of people in the direction desired. Hitler had Julius Streicher's Der Stuermer, full of the wildest and wooliest sensationalism, designed to smash its way into the consciousness of the masses, as it did. He also had the regular party press, designed to reach and convince the great middle class. And, for the university community, he had the esoteric material of Alfred Rosenberg, Gottfried Feder, et al.
Again I stress that, whereas the academic scholar is most powerfully influenced by a logical, heavily footnoted dissertation at the highest intellectual level, the simple farmer or worker is utterly perplexed and repelled by "them big words" and is moved most effectively by a brutal and earthy presentation of a thoroughly subjective, grossly exaggerated picture of any situation. Only the latter class of propaganda can yield the sheer weight of numbers of persuaded people needed to sweep into legal political office. The major propaganda of a mass movement, therefore, must be of the elementary, direct, and emotional kind which alone can win honest hearts (and empty heads) -- "boat tickets" and the Stormtrooper.
When I began, I purposely made my propaganda as brutal and shockingly rough as I could, simply to force attention. And I have kept everlastingly at the business of building a simple and direct image of all-out hostility to "Je$s and niggers" in the minds of millions of Americans, regardless of the costs in other respects. (And when I have the rare opportunity to use some mass medium, as was recently the case when I gave a long interview to Playboy, I am forced to walk a careful line between what I should like to say and what the enemy would like to hear me say. Unless I deliberately sound at least halfway like a raving illiterate with three loose screws, such an interview would never be printed.
This is another thing that most people fail to understand about my "Nazi" technique.) After I had become known to most Americans, I published the Rockwell Report at a somewhat higher level than my previous material to begin to recruit some of the brains and funds we needed to proceed. When this had begun to bear fruit, I used the talents obtained with the Rockwell Report to get back down to the people's level and produce a publication designed for the masses, for the "average" man, the comic book reader, kids: the Stormtrooper. As planned, this is now our most popular and largest-circulation publication. And were it not for the Je$ish ownership of the news distribution business, we could sell Stormtroopers literally by the millions.
My Ph.D. critics regularly berate me for the vulgar and brutal material in the Stormtrooper. Because these gentlemen don't like to see the word "nigger" in print, or crude drawings of Je$s, they often insist that I am a damned fool, a hoodlum, or an agent provocateur, trying to ruin the whole movement by printing such rough stuff. These sincere but pitifully blind men are going to have to understand that one can't win elections with Ph.D. votes. As Goldwater proved, one can't win elections even with all the upper classes. It is the vast masses of the lower classes, the beer-and-dirty-joke-loving workers, on whom we must depend finally for survival. The Stormtrooper with its pages full of cartoons, violence, insults, jokes, and general hell is exciting and readable to men who would never, in a million years, pick up and read a right-wing tract.
With a base of operations established and with successful publications directed at both the lowest and the middle-class levels, the movement is finally in a position to afford the relative luxury of a publication directed exclusively at the academic intellectual-professional class. The National Socialist World, now in your hands, is designed not only to reach but to move people in that category. Perhaps our material is not what you, personally, enjoy most. But our aim, and the aim of the World Union of National Socialists, is not to produce material to please our friends -- but to win over millions of those who are now our enemies or who are oblivious to both sides.
The years of success with the Stormtrooper and the Rockwell Report give me confidence that the new National Socialist World will also do what it has been carefully designed to do -- that National Socialist World will beat its way into the highest intellectual circles just as the Stormtrooper smashed its way into the minds of the juveniles and working folks.
Finally, if you'll permit me, I'd like to drive my principal point home with one more analogy. If you own a grocery store, and a man comes in from a painter's truck in overalls to buy groceries, you don't try to sell him a one-ounce jar of Russian caviar at two bucks a throw. You offer him beef, potatoes, and bread. If a French diplomat comes in, you don't offer him hawg jowl; you might try the caviar. It is the same with propaganda.
If you wish to win the "trade" of all potential "customers," as we must do if we are to survive, you must have in stock a complete line of goods, especially the kind of goods most desired by the majority of your potential customers -- and that means bread, potatoes, and beef, not caviar and truffles. If you can open a special store to peddle only caviar and truffles, do it in the silk-stocking district. Conversely, if you want to open another branch to sell only chitterlings, hawg jowls, and the like, then do it in the "nigger" section of town. And if you want a mass grocery business, in the name of sanity, stock up on something besides caviar and truffles. We intend to win enough "customers" to become masters of the grocery business, against the competition of the greatest and most complete "chain" operation the world has ever seen: "The Sheeney Supermarket," which stocks something for everybody.
To do it, we have designed some great products to appeal to specific customers: the "hawg-jowl" Stormtrooper, the "Delmonico steak" Rockwell Report -- and now the "Cherries Jubilee" which you hold in your hand, the National Socialist World.